South West Rocks Physiotherapy Clinic
The South West Rocks Physiotherapy Clinic was established in 1983 by Virginia Ruscoe. The clinic is a long established, well respected Private Practice providing quality care to the community with a strong referral base from local GP’s, specialists and word of mouth.
- Manual therapy
- Acupuncture
- Sports injuries
- Muscular skeletal or movement problems
- Neck, back and joint pain
- Orthopaedic rehabilitation
- Custom orthotics
- Massage
- Lymphatic drainage
- Gym
- Womens Health
Some of Virginia’s significant clinical experiences include
- 2000 Olympic Games physiotherapist
- Physical Therapist in Texas USA 1993
- APA Foundational Acupuncture Course 1988
- Founding member of the Australian Society of Acupuncture Physiotherapist ASAP
- On the 2007 working party of the ASAP production of ‘The Guidelines for Safe Acupuncture and Dry Needling Practice’ a guide for the safe acupuncture practice for physiotherapists in Australia
- Teaching on the APA Level 1 & 2 Foundational Acupuncture Training Courses for over 15 years
- Acupuncture study trips to Hangzhhou China and Osaka Japan
These wide-ranging experiences enable her to provide a unique holistic treatment that integrates evidence based physiotherapy with Oriental medicine. Continuing education and learning for all staff is an integral part of the SWR Clinic.
Patients include
- Health Funds HICAPS & Eftpos
- Medicare EPC
- Third Party
- Private
- Workcover